Let go of the bike, but not the Love.
You got this.
Showing up for your child in your perfectly imperfect way is enough. It’s ok to not know all the stuff about all the things. Academics, health, economy, family life have many amplified unknowns right now. You have been tossed into uncertainty. It’s ok to not have a clear sequence of action steps based on past experience.
What if… this is a time of opportunity?
Yes, uncertainty. Yes, unknown. Yes, uncharted. Yes, challenges.
What if we add... Yes to curiosity. Yes to wonder. Yes to flexibility. Yes to choosing the best in this moment. Yes to analyzing our standard routines and tailoring them to fit us better. Yes to noticing what good could result from this time. Yes to upleveling our family. Yes to claiming our role as primary educator. Yes to learning a whole bunch as we go along.
I’m with you.
All in Mom Thoughts
Let go of the bike, but not the Love.
The sea of children with red and green hats began with Christmas poetry. After the first, the audience applauded, and my Little’s face brightened. As she realized the clapping was a recognition, an enormous smile spread slowly over her face and expanded into the room. Next poem began and my Little was really feeling it.