
Free Yourself from Unrealistic Expectations

Free Yourself from Unrealistic Expectations

Free yourself from unrealistic expectations. 

What’s realistic? Do these expectations move you toward wellbeing? Do they move you toward living fully as yourSelf? Do they move you into a life lived in Love? If the expectations are guiding you in Truth, they won’t be causing you stress and anxiety. If the expectations are serving You, they probably aren’t unrealistic. This discernment takes some time with your best friend… your inner guide. Sit with yourSelf quietly to think about the Truth of your expectations. 

Where did these expectations you’ve accepted originate? Whose idea were they? Did someone else decide you should fit in a particular box in a particular timeframe? Did you actively accept the expectations? Or did they sneak in when you weren’t paying attention? Who benefits if you meet them? Is there any benefit?

Unrealistic expectations simply add stress and anxiety. Rather than moving us toward our best lives, they bonk us on the head repeatedly, until we choose to stop inviting them into our minds and hearts. 

Is it realistic to put yourself in debt for the newest gadget? Is it realistic to be stuck in a job that drains you? Is it realistic to serve the needs of others first? Is it realistic to be blocked based on a societal norm? Is it realistic to accept someone else’s expectations of you? Yet, we often do. Even the little things shape us… turns out the expectation of a fully-dusted house was gospel in my mom’s house, but one I had to let go after I failed to meet the expectation repeatedly. Silly? Maybe. But there you go. It took up mind space that I needed for other things.

For some reason, negative is sticky and clingy, whereas positive is smooth and slippery. Those negative thoughts or others’ negative words slurp on to us and hold tight. We have a way of turning criticism into expectations. The positive slide off, unless we make one decision after another to focus on those positive thoughts, words, actions and expectations. 

I’m a big fan of choosing where to focus. Nasty tv and social media make me cranky… the negative sticks, and then I pass it on to others. So, I’m careful about where I get my news, who I follow, what I watch, what I read, who I listen to on podcasts, and with whom I spend my free time. I found I can know what’s going on in the world without overindulging in the negative sources and opinions.

With awareness, I choose what to let in. 

With awareness, I choose my focus.

With awareness, I assess the expectations I’ve accepted for myself.

With awareness, I determine whether they serve my Truth and move me forward in Love.

With awareness, I drop the unrealistic expectations. Turns out they’re needless shackles.

Choosing which expectations you accept based on living your own best life is continual. With practice, you form some good new habits. One choice at a time moves you into a lifestyle that suits You. 

Wishing you peace in your move toward your own best life. 

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