AMBROSE Empowerment

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What Fuels Your Flame?

Hi there.

Tell me about yourself. I’m happy to hear about all your doings, but I’m most interested in your inner life.

What drives you?

What powers your energy?

When do you lose all track of time?

When do find yourself peacefully lost in thought?

When do you spend time with yourSelf?

Do your daily rituals enhance your well-being?

What qualities do you value?

What breaks your heart?

How do you re-center yourself after a lousy experience?

What is your anchor in the storms of life?

How do you connect with people you encounter?

When do you feel joy?

What music or art is your go-to?

What is your favorite thing to do?

Where is your favorite place to be?

What fuels your flame?

Your flame ignites other flames, so thank you for tending your fire.

Wishing you Love and Passion.